Toddler Restraint Mittens of the Rest Easy Device Line
Stainless Steel, Walnut, Leather, 2010
Two pieces 4 1/2" h x 11" w x 6" d each
Stainless Steel, Walnut, Leather, 2010
Two pieces 4 1/2" h x 11" w x 6" d each
Politics of Fear at Gallery Project

The politicization of fear for power, control and profit, is enforced from within by an individual’s sense of vulnerability. It is enforced externally by a sense of constant surveillance, the “faceless gaze”. A relevant metaphor is Michael Foucault’s Panopticism from “Discipline and Punish, the birth of the Prison.” The Panoptic, a circular transparent ‘inspection-house’ or prison-in-the-round, is characterized by continuous surveillance of a vigilant unseeable supervisor whose presence the celled can only sense. “The Panoptic arrangement is a seeing machine in which the exercise of power may be supervised by society as a whole. It programs the basic functioning of a society penetrated with disciplinary mechanisms.” (Michael Foucault)
This exhibit invites artists to voice their sense of current and historic politicization of fear and the mechanisms that drive and control it.
Contributors to the exhibit include Heather Accurso, Curtis Bartone, Jamie Berlant, Jackie Brown, Peter Bugg, Fred Burkhart, Carla Butwin, Nick Caramagno, Rocco DePietro, Rose DeSloover, Lynn Galbreath, Leon Golub, Richard Haley, Ed Janzen, Chido Johnson, Osman Kahn, Merrill Kazanjian, Margarete Koenen, Vijay Kumar, Christopher Lee, Melissa McGurgan, Tom McMillen-Oakley, Bert Menco, Eric Mesko, Mario Moore, Tim Péwé, Gloria Pritschet, Mark Reamy, Clare Rosean, Eric Ryser, Eric Smith, Diane Thodos, Vito Jesus Valdez, Peter Williams, and Marilyn Zimmerman. The exhibit is curated by Lynn Galbreath and Heather Accurso.
215 South 4th Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Spring/Summer gallery hours: Tuesday through Saturday, noon-9p; Sunday, noon-4p. The gallery is closed on Mondays.